
With a couple months of 冬天 still ahead of us, we want to help make sure you’re ready for whatever the rest of the season may bring.

确定, we hope the highlights of the next few months are big mugs of hot chocolate, 与爱人共度惬意的夜晚, 和 maybe even the opportunity to enjoy some beautiful – if chilly – days outside.

But chances are we’ll all experience at least one 冬天 storm or blizzard before summer. 这里有一些保持安全的提示.


Set up an emergency drawer or kit that’s easy to access, even in the dark. Stock it with fresh batteries, a battery-powered radio 和 a flashlight. It’s also a good idea to include some non-perishable food, 水, 急救用品, 婴儿用品,如尿布和配方奶粉, 还有额外的处方药. Hopefully it’s a short storm, but if it continues for more than a day, you’ll be all set.  

When a storm hits, do these three things.

呆在室内.  Make sure your loved ones 和 pets are inside 和 stay inside. Now is not the time to try 和 brave icy road conditions. 如果你一定要旅行的话, 开慢点, let someone know w在这里 you are going 和 what route you’ll take, 确保你的手机充满电, 准备一个应急用品包, 和 pull over if you’re having trouble seeing due to weather conditions.

互相照顾. 如果可能的话, 叫亲戚, neighbors 和 friends to check in on them, particularly if they are elderly or live alone.

Be careful with alternative heating methods. 如果停电了, 在线报告 或致电888-890-5554. Do not use charcoal grills to heat your home or cook indoors. Dangerous carbon monoxide fumes can build up 和 cause injury or death. If you use a portable generator, follow the manufacturer's safety 和 operating guidelines. Be sure to operate the generator in a well-ventilated area. Never operate it indoors or in your garage.

After the storm, be safe around utility equipment.

Once the storm is over, it’s time to dig out. Before you tackle that driveway, remember to pace yourself. Heart attacks from shoveling heavy snow are a leading cause of death during 冬天. Give yourself a break 和 maybe check in with a neighbor or drink some hot chocolate (have we mentioned that we love hot chocolate?).

While playing or working in the snow, keep an eye out for downed power lines. Never touch or attempt to pick up a fallen power line 和 keep children 和 pets away. To report a downed power line, call our emergency number at 888-890-5554.

It’s also a good idea to check for snow 和 ice buildup on your natural gas meter. Gas meters 和 regulators are durable 和 designed with the weather in mind, but a coating of ice or snow could cause a loss of service 和 become a critical safety issue. If at all possible, remove the snow before it has a chance to freeze.

  • Gently clear snow away by h和 or with a broom. You’ll put yourself 和 everyone nearby at serious risk if you strike 和 damage any part of the meter with a shovel, 冰锥或其他工具. And you could be liable for expensive damage.
  • Keep snow blowers 和 shovels away from gas meters 和 other above-ground equipment.
  • Carefully clear snow away from the outdoor vent on high-efficiency furnaces. The furnace won’t run safely 和 efficiently if the vent is blocked.
  • Safely remove icicles hanging from overhead eaves that could fall 和 damage gas meters below.
  • Point out the meter 和 any other above-ground utility structures to anyone you hire for snow removal. 

As a final step we suggest – you guessed it – enjoying one more mug of hot chocolate for good measure. 干杯到一个甜甜的,又平安的. 冬天.  

Stay up to date on weather related news by visiting our 脸谱网 和 推特 页面.




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