
For many of us, the best holiday memories revolve around food.

烤箱里姜饼饼干的甜美香气, the savory scent of a roasting 火鸡 — those smells can transport us back in time. It might be a childhood memory of baking with Grandma on a snowy winter day or more recent memories of laughing with favorite cousins around the holiday table. 

奇怪的是, you’re probably already making plans for your holiday baking or thinking about how you’ll season this year’s 火鸡. But as we prep for this season of holiday baking and 烹饪, it’s good to remember that 烹饪 also means energy consumption.

Don’t worry, we aren’t suggesting you skip your holiday 烹饪 or family gatherings. 而不是, we came up with 12 easy tips to help you reduce your energy consumption and keep bills lower. 此外,你将为保护地球尽自己的一份力量.

  1. Pick a day to do your holiday baking and bake several things at the same time when possible. 别忘了带上妮可做的美味南瓜饼干, 在我们的服务警卫烹饪书的第60页. 它们是感恩节的完美选择!


  2. Use your oven window to check on baking goodies rather than opening the door. Opening the oven door lowers temperatures inside by as much as 25 degrees. 这会增加你的烹饪时间,浪费澳门威尼斯人.
  3. 尽可能用微波炉加热食物. Microwaves use 90% less energy than a conventional gas oven. And let’s face it, some foods can easily be prepared in the microwave.
  4. Set your refrigerator at 35 to 38 degrees to save energy, and don’t linger with the door open. 打开冰箱门意味着失去能量.
  5. 把锅盖在炉子上,加快加热速度.
  6. 在燃烧器上使用正确大小的锅. A 6-inch pot on an 8-inch burner wastes 40% of the burner’s heat.
  7. 如果你有一个煤气灶,保持燃烧器清洁. 使效率最大化. 
  8. Unplug kitchen appliances like coffee makers and mixers when they aren’t in use. 
  9. Wait until you have a full load before you run your dishwasher. 另外,要刮盘子,而不是用水清洗.
  10. 确保你家里有LED灯泡. LED bulbs use 75% less electricity, which means a cost 储蓄. 
  11. 晚上大家睡觉的时候把炉子关小. Make sure to provide extra blankets for your holiday guests.
  12. This may not revolve around food, but it’s a sure sign that 假期 are here. Those beautiful lights decorating your home can use a lot of energy. Some things to think about – put lights on a timer to limit the number of hours they are lit, 使用LED灯泡,选择低瓦数的灯泡.

虽然这些建议将帮助你降低你的澳门威尼斯人消耗, it’s also helpful to know just how your individual household is using energy. 以便更好地了解您的具体澳门威尼斯人使用情况, visit your Black Hills Energy online portal where you can see usage trends in your home or business. 我还没有账户? 没有问题. 你可以点击这里建立一个帐户. 一旦你知道你的精力去了哪里, you’ll be able to make other adjustments to decrease your energy consumption and lower your bills.

不幸的是, we know that sometimes making these changes in your use still doesn’t lower your costs enough, especially with rising commodity prices and colder than average temperatures this year. 当这种情况发生时,我们希望通过我们的 澳门威尼斯人援助计划. 澳门威尼斯人澳门威尼斯人博彩官方网站提供了无数的程序, 包括澳门威尼斯人援助, 预算账单和付款计划. 我们可以帮您找到合适的选择. 现在也是考虑切换到 澳门威尼斯人公司的自助服务选项. You can sign up for paperless bills, notifications and alerts, online payments and more.

While energy usage is an important factor in the coming winter months, 同样重要的是,我们不能忽视安全问题. 当家人聚在一起,混乱随之而来, it’s easy to get forget some of the simple safety measures you utilize every day. 但请不要. The last thing you want is to spend Thanksgiving or Christmas in the emergency department.

  • Keep your walkways clear of ice and snow so Aunt Margaret can safety reach the front door with her famous holiday rum cake. 好吃。!
  • 别让冰柱挂在排水沟上. 它们看起来无害,但大冰柱会造成伤害.
  • Clear snow away from the outdoor vents on high-efficiency furnaces. The furnace won’t run safely and efficiently if the vent is blocked.
  • 准备一个应急包,以防停电. Stock it with fresh batteries, power banks and car chargers, and a flashlight. 加上一些不易腐烂的食物也是个好主意, 水, 急救用品, baby items such as diapers and formula and extra prescription medicine.
  • When roads are icy, ask guests to text or call when they arrive back home. Be prepared for overnight guests if roads become too dangerous for travel.  
  • 注意极端寒冷的气温. If it’s your job to clear the sidewalk, dress warmly and take breaks to come inside to warm up. If your young guests decide some fun in the snow is in order, 确保他们穿着得体.
  • Make sure you’ve had your furnace inspected before the holiday parties begin. 你不会想让它在满屋子客人的情况下出去吧. 看看我们在你的地区是否澳门威尼斯人博彩官方网站提供炉膛检查服务.  

有了这些节能提示和安全提醒, you can plan for a wonderful holiday season filled with family and good food. After all, 假期 should be a time for joy, not worry.



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